eBooks and Audiobooks
Checking out eBooks and Audiobooks
Before downloading eBooks and audiobooks to your device, they must be checked out using Destiny Discover.
- Navigate to Eureka High School on Destiny.
- Click on Log in in the upper right hand corner of the screen
- Sign in with Google.
- Select the Catalog tab at the top of the screen.
- Select Destiny Discover on the left side of the screen.
- Once you're in Destiny Discover, you can browse eBooks and audiobooks or search for a specific title. When you find the title you want, select the title.
- To checkout the title, select the Checkout button.
The title will be checked out to you for a period of two weeks. It will be returned automatically at the end of the checkout period. You can read it online without downloading, or you can download it to a device.
Want to use one of our devices? Check out a Nook or a tablet and get reading!
Downloading eBooks and Audiobooks to Your Device
- Download the Destiny Discover app for Apple iOS or Google Android.
- Open the app and select Missouri from the dropdown list of locations.
- In the schools field, start to type "Eureka" and then select Eureka Senior High from the list presented.
- Select Login.
- On the next screen, log in using your RSD credentials.
Once you're logged in, the eBooks and audiobooks that you have checked out will appear and will download automatically. They will return automatically at the end of the two week checkout period. You may check them out again if you need longer than two weeks.