Committed to challenging and developing all students to become highly competitive, responsible and productive members of society
In This Section
Event Critical Task Checklist
Before Event
Location Tasks
Confirm event site date/time with PTO President and Eureka AD via RSD Form 3002 and Rockwood Facilities Department if event held on campus
Confirm site setup (#/arrangement of tables/chairs) with EHS Custodian Lead
Arrange audio visual equipment with EHS
Third Party Vendors
Consult with PTO President on negotiations with third party vendors.
If a vendor requires a contract, the PTO President must sign contract. You do not have authorization to sign contracts on behalf of the PTO.
Communication Tasks
Assign responsibilities and deadlines for your committee members
Contact Jenny Friedman or Grade Level Principal to communicate events via School Messenger
Create Sign Up Genius and contact Website and Facebook administrators to post event details.
Communicate event on school marquis; contact PTO President
Update PTO President about your event prior to monthly PTO Board meetings
Confirm details with vendors and location one week prior to event.
Financial Tasks
Complete deposit form immediately for any cash/checks received. Make arrangements with the PTO Treasurer on handing over cash/checks.
Complete check request form for any PTO checks you need issued for your event and submit to PTO Treasurer 2 weeks prior to the event.
Complete reimbursement request form for any out-of-pocket expenses you have incurred
Complete cash box request form and submit to PTO Treasurer 2 weeks prior to the event
Committee Tasks
Ensure all volunteers know their responsibilities/deadlines before, during and after the event
Contact all volunteers 1 week prior to event to confirm details
Arrange site cleanup
During Event
Event Tasks
Request volunteers to check in and ensure they know their responsibilities
Sign cash box receipt (located in cash box) showing amount of cash received and give to the Co Treasurer or Co-President at event.
If cash box is excessive during event, request PTO Co-Treasurer or Co-President to put a portion of the cash box in the safe or lock bag during event. You will need to sign off on the amount of cash they take and include in your cash box deposit form at the end of the event.
At end of event, two people need to count cash, complete and sign the deposit slip (located in cash box). For on-site events: give to Co-Treasurer, Co-President, or School Administrator to lock in safe. For off-site events: give to Co-Treasurer or Co-President to put in lock bag.
Ensure site cleanup at end of event
After Event
Event Closing Tasks
Obtain and sign off on summary of expenses and income from the PTO Treasurer
Provide electronic copies of event files to the PTO President or VP responsible for your event
Complete recap sheet and submit to PTO President and/or assigned VP
Return borrowed items to the correct location
Provide list of event volunteers to PTO President to thank them for their participation on the PTO Facebook page.
Optional: Survey committee members for suggestions for future events